Thursday, March 25, 2010

Must be the Packer spirit in me?

Lately I've noticed a recurring theme within our kitchen....

It didn't happen entirely on purpose.... (on purpose entirely?)

One thing led to another....
Nom Nom Nom

(You know you're getting old when you are extremely excited
about getting a yellow frying pan for your birthday)

Eventually, everything became green and yellow!

(Just for good measure)

You don't think it has anything to do with this, do ya?

What can I say, I guess I'm easily influenced...

next time you see me, I just might be wearing this:

Friday, March 5, 2010

Velkommen Spring!

no offense winter, i love you... really, i do!

i love your snow.
i love the heated blankets you make me use.
i love the hot chocolate and tea you make me drink.
i love your fun mittens and hats.
i love to watch your sports.
(sidney, ahem)
i love to play your sports
mostly just snowboarding,
skating hurts...
and snowmobiling?
well there's just not quite enough time to get into the benefits and wonderfulness that is snowmobiling. there will never be enough time for that.

there just comes a time.
read Ecclesiastes.
you'll see what i mean.

so please,
don't be offended when i am absolutely thrilled at the sound of birds chirping in the morning.
or that i get to jump into puddles that you leave with my pretty rubber boots.
it's not exactly your fault that I have pasty white skin...
(let's just blame that on Scotland for now)
and flowers.... well, roses aren't exactly my favorite.

but remember, I DO LOVE YOU.

but its just time.
time to say goodbye, for now.

i'll see you again, and welcome you with open arms.
well, i'll try, okay?

but now is the time for
(we have about five of them in our backyard in the spring)
lower heating bills
cute shoes
apple blossoms
well.... i could go on...

dear winter, see you later.
